Italian Greyhound tooled collar

After cutting the shape out of veg tanned cow leather. The water is added to it soften it and make hand tooling possible. I am using spray bottle with a bit of saddle soap added to it. It makes leather soft and easy to work with. 

Next step is cutting design outlines with swivel knife and stamping / hand tooling

Cutting design and hand tooling veg tanned leather for greyhound collar

After the leather is dry I apply paint and seal the parts that I don't want to dye. I am using Angelus Brand products

Greyhound collar making process - after paint

Now we can dye the rest of the collar. For this one I wanted just light tan color. After dye I apply a layer of Antique paint to create more 3D look

Greyhound collar making process - after dye

To finish it off, I bevel and burnish the edges, add hardware and protective layer of sealant and waxes.

Greyhound collar making process - almost finished

Now quick try on the available dog model and the collar is ready!

Greyhound collar making process


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